Meet The Team

Our Committee


  • Ife is a facilitator, researcher, photographer, and project manager. Wanderers of Colour is an amalgamation of Ife’s love for building community, connecting with nature, travelling, climbing, and sharing the joys of the outdoors with others.


  • Charmian is training as a climbing instructor after completing her CWI seven months pregnant.


  • Lola is a documentary researcher and writer passionate about bringing to light untold stories. She can often be found concocting vegan recipes in the kitchen or planning her next excursion.


  • Jeng/ creative art director/ graphic designer/ maker/ community builder/ workshop facilitator/ ideas person/ problem solver/ listener/ learner/ bread baker/ mushroom grower/ they/ them/ taurus.


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  • Sakshi is a researcher, data enthusiast, climber, cyclist and diver. When she is not at her local climbing gym, she can be found running fermentation experiments in her kitchen, learning circus skills, or pondering the questions of resource allocation for public health care in her professional life. She is passionate about bringing people together through sports and outdoor activities.


  • Morgan (she/her) is a mental health worker by day and avid outdoorsy person by…the rest of the time. She enjoys anything exciting and active outdoors which includes hiking, climbing, cycling, camping - anything to get the adrenaline going! She also loves more chill stuff like mindfulness meditation, cooking and eating vegan food, live jazz gigs and reading/watching/listening to stories.


  • Tia works for a children's mental health charity. When not at work she looks to hiking and cycling to reconnect with nature. Recently she has been having fun trying to incorporate open water swimming into her routine. When inside, Tia loves to paint and cook


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  • Lakshnie (she/her) is a brown queer integrative psychotherapist. She actively uses anti-oppression theory at the heart of her work and her belief that love, connection and nature can be transformative to mental health for those at the margins of society. Lakshnie is a long-time, sometime rock climber, outdoor swimmer (when she can get to the water!) and advocate for being in green spaces.


  • Somang is an illustrator, wild swimmer and climber. She is passionate about sharing her love of nature and to inspire others to get out there and be part of it. When she is not in her studio you can find her sketching outdoors or  planning her next adventure.


  • Ash is an urbanist and transportation engineer. When she's not exploring cities, she loves to hike, camp, skateboard, and cook. She loves learning new skills, meeting new people, ans trying new activities.


  • Jen is an Occupational Therapist working in mental health. She is passionate about using nature and outdoor activities to promote health and wellbeing.

    A keen long distance hiker and camper, she loves all things outdoors, whether they be high adrenaline or simply basking in the sun.

    When not walking or dreaming of future hikes, you can find her making jewellery, doing yoga or looking at art.


  • Amanda is an international development practitioner working on all things environment and social equity. She's an avid nature lover who enjoys hiking, snowboarding, swimming, and fishing, and gets way too excited when she stumbles across any form of wildlife. She loves trying new activities and building new skills as much as she does just lounging out in the sun. When she's not running around outdoors, Amanda can be found traveling, cooking, and eating an infinite amount of Asian food.


  • Xin is a special care dentist who has found a better work-life balance and an amazing chosen family since she came across climbing. She enjoys introducing people to the sport and love the outdoors.


  • Amy works in data and has a passion for creativity. Her main creative outlets are crocheting and watercolour painting, drawing inspiration from the beauty of nature. Amy also finds joy in climbing, yoga or diving into a good book or film.


  • Jumanna is a nature-loving photographer with a passion for meaningful change. Jumanna's degree specialises in policy-making, examining laws' impact on diverse communities. Her research critiques how capitalism shapes happiness, with a focus on its effects for women, queer individuals, and people of colour.